
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2015


This is the age of hard work, exercise, running here and there and playing around, in this age girls begin to menstruate as well, because of which more amount of blood is utilized by the body. If enough attention is not paid to diet and general health then a lot of problems begin to arise, first of which will be decrease in growth and development of the body.

In this topic are mentioned some of the problems women face because of which they are not able to take care of themselves properly. We are presenting to them some of the easy and tried and tested tips and remedies which can be used to treat common diseases related to females. If a young female has pimple on her face she is faced with a lot of torture and pain. Due to this stress they develop dark circles around their eyes, their face becomes pale, lips become dry and their height stops increasing further and their overall growth and development does not happen properly as well. We can make an estimate from these facts that if a young girl faces such a problem then what mental torture she has to go through.

These problems faced by these young girls become troublesome when they begin to remain extremely worried about these problems and are terrified by them and because of this natural shyness are not able to ask anyone about this problem or talk to anyone about it and ask for any advice. And because of this lack of knowledge or total ignorance, they become even more afraid of these issues. Despite this fear they have, they are unable to explain their condition to their own mothers and friends, let alone the doctors, mainly because of their hesitation due to shyness. Young girls usually facing and worrying about such situations have problems like poor nourishment of the body, the color of their lips becoming pale and dull, dark circles around the eyes, skin having dark spots and pimples, inability to full nourish their feminine beauty, problems with menstruation, and most commonly, the problem of leucorrhea.

  This is the age of hard work, exercise, running here and there and playing around, in this age girls begin to menstruate as well, because of which more amount of blood is utilized by the body. If enough attention is not paid to diet and general health then a lot of problems begin to arise, first of which will be decrease in growth and development of the body. Then the body cannot fully develop and get nourished, and side by side the color of the skin becomes dull and pale too, dark circles around the eye and the white of the eyeball colored darkened, irregular menstruation, having cold hands and feet, easy fatigability, becoming breathless, and irritable personality all reflect a poor diet and nutritional status and less blood. Leucorrhea is usually cause by deficiency of certain dietary components and low Hemoglobin also plays a part in it, along with deficiency of minerals and vitamins. Internal wounds, inflammation and worms can also lead to this. Your consciousness and many mental capabilities are also affected. It can also be caused secondary to certain hormones being more or less in the body but the more common causes are constipation and low hemoglobin in the blood. That is the reason why dark circles form under the eyes. There is constant ache in the back, shin and joints. The girl feels dizzy and breathless and lazy and loses her beauty and charm gradually. This has a very bad impact on the mind of the girl. The impurity that comes with it also worries them, and married women especially have issues with their pregnancy due to this monthly problem. If leucorrhea is sometimes very less in amount then it is not an illness, some women can have it anyway. There’s no need to worry about that. The main reason for it is low Hemoglobin (less blood) and that is why young girls should pay serious attention to diet. Even the so called dieting should not be started without consulting your doctor, otherwise it can be harmful to the body. Young girls should consume diets containing high amounts of proteins like meat, fish, eggs, milk, cream, peas, soya bean, pulses etc. In addition to this, green vegetables, egg yolk, milk, lassi, pomegranate, guava, apple, dates, walnut, almond, liver (kaleji), marrow of bones, and stock is also very beneficial. Girls should eat healthy food in their growing age. Remember that in the adulthood and old age the diet taken in young age is the one that counts. In old age there isn’t much hunger left nor is digestion too good. In some families, any physical activity and exercise even if it is in the limits of Shariah is considered wrong, let alone playing and running around. This tradition needs to break if this body will not walk and run around then how will it remain mobile and active? Not only young girls but women of all ages should develop a habit of walking. Good health and fit body require that awareness within you regarding health and fitness develops. The world is changing and nowadays even in very backward countries women are becoming more aware of their right to have good diet, have good health, their right to become mothers, their right to look after their health and body in every age, and the biggest right to gain knowledge about their body and health. These were the problems of the women because of which they are unable to take care of themselves. We are presenting a few easy and useful tips here that can help in these gynecological problems:


v  Maghaz tukhm tamar hindi 12g, samandar sookh 12g, maazo 12g, grind all three things into powder form and then shape them into pea sized balls. Take 1 ball with milk each in the morning and evening, very useful for leucorrhea.

v  Gum acacia (goond keekar) 120g, sugar 120g, cook this in pure ghee till the time it turns from reddish but doesn’t get burnt. Then use 1 tola 12 g should be taken day and evening with milk. Very effective for leucorrhea.

v  Phool dhaawa 6g, phool supaari 6g, kamarkas 6g, goond molsari ( Mimusops elengi gum) 6g, mocharas 6g, gum acacia (goond keekar) 6g, sugar 30g, grind all these to powder form. Take 2g of this everyday with lukewarm milk in the morning and evening. Effective for leucorrhea. (prevents backache and weakness)

v  Green fruit of acacia without seeds 12g, acacia flower 12g, misri 24g make a powder from these three. Eat 10g of this twice daily (morning+evening). Effective medicine for leucorrhea. It gets relieved within two weeks.

v  Peel off the fresh green leaf of burgad and let it dry in some shade. Then make a powder after grinding it. 4g each morning and evening with fresh water daily is very useful.

v  Grind finely the gum of peepal and make small saches of  it 4g each. Everyday first thing in the morning take this sachet with milk InshaALLAH you will be relieved within a week.

v  Drink 2 ounces each of neeli shuaaein twice daily (morning and evening)

v  Use Hormones Shifa and Khatoon Shifa with trust.

v   Avoid eating egg, fried foods, beef, spicy foods, white lentil, ghee and sour things.

v  Roast tamarind seeds and remove their peels. Grind them to make powder and add brown sugar in equal quantity. Take one tea spoon in the morning and night before going to bed with a glass of water.

v  Take twenty gram core of mango kernels, roast on low heat. Then grind to make powder and add brown sugar in equal quantity. Take one tea spoon in the morning and night before going to bed with a glass of water.

v  Take three grams neem (margosa) tree bark, white costus three grams and green Mazo thirty-six grams. Grind these herbs to make powder and take three grams with water in the morning and evening.

v   Spiritual treatment for leucorrhea and other ovarian diseases: Wear the following amulet for ovarian diseases (including cyst):

v  ھوالامرھی عمانویل   بحق یاحی یاقیوم    یا باری المصور  فی لارحام In case of severity, drink this amulet water daily for forty days in the morning with an empty stomach. 

 Adil Ismail

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